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Made to Stick

The Book in 3 Sentences

This book describes the underlying reasons why an idea sticks. It goes through the concreteness, unexpectedness, and credibility of an idea and how it affects how well an idea sticks. It goes through interesting cases and highlights reasons why these ideas have become ingrained in our collective minds.

🎨 Impressions

Interesting to understand how you can drastically improve an idea's reach and stickiness.

How I Discovered It

Deichman library

Who Should Read It?

Marketing people or people interested in such stuff.

☘️ How the Book Changed Me

✍️ My Top Quotes

Nothing is a sure-thing principle, the existence of uncertainty affects the decision even when the uncertainty is not affecting decision parameters.

If you have more alternatives to the "right" options, you are more likely to choose the right option. For example, if I want to study but have the option of going to a talk, then I am less likely to go study than if I have both the option to attend the talk and go to the cinema.

"Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience" - Michel Cervantes.